Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Slow and meticulous process....

I swear that this is the most boring class in the world, purely for the fact that I have the teacher that I do. If I had a different teacher I'm sure that I would be paying attention instead of blogging, or talking on MSN, or surfing the net.

Something seems out of place to day I think. Something in the air is heavier than normal and things are feeling a little surreal. Kind of like that quiet moment in a movie before something bad happens. I can't quite place what it is though. It seems too... still... to be normal though.

I'm so sick of school. As soon as I'm done my BA I am seriously taking a year off because if I keep this up for much longer I'm going to freak out. I want to work. I loved the summer time this year when I was working almost everyday because I felt like I was doing something productive and usefull and meaningful. Not that school isn't those things, it's more that I don't feel like I'm getting anything out of it, which is totally the opposite of why I'm here. Isn't it?

I think it's almost time that I had a trip home. I want to see my family again, and Andy, and Sean, and Dave, and Aaron and Mel. Now that I have a job I don't think that I will be able to spend as much time down there for Thanksgiving as I had hoped, which really sucks, but I guess that's what happens.

Something happy needs to happen and soon.

I had fun hanging out with Mel and Geoff last night. I think Mel and I are going to have more than a few crazy times together. I really enjoyed spending time with her. One day we actually will explode a marshmellow in the microwave and it will seem like a good idea at the time, until we have to clean it up again.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I feel like such a zombie today....
not just today....

just lugging myself from one place to the next....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

What's with all the upgrades?

Ok, so, I probably should be paying attention to my class but my teacher is downstairs getting Skittles for some sort of diagram or something. I swear that this guy is the oddest, most geeky professor I've ever had and I love it! I mean, this guy plays WoW.... to the point that he's a level 70 character. Geek! Hahaha

Anyway, I'm taking this opportunity to write some sort of update because I know Jilly is gonna harass me later if I don't. :P Just kidding.

Well, I'm sad to say that I am still unemployed. Hopefully all goes well with Galaxy or Payless or something.... SOON!!! I need a job like crazy! Umm.. class is going well enough. So far everything is enjoyable except my Cognitive Psych class, which is only for the sole reason that the professor is boring as hell. I'm going to love my script writing class yet again. I love that class so much!

I feel like watching Invader Zim at some point. I miss watching cartoons soooooo much! I want to have a day to watch cartoons with people and just veg out and do nothing. Stress free day of cartoon comedy and violence which is hilarious. Think Acme products, Willey Coyote, Zim and Gir, such things like that. I miss being young in a way.
I want something different from this year but I'm not even really sure what yet. I definitly want to avoid being put in the middle of things but I can never seem to get out of that position. Probably my life's role is to serve "both sides", and I guess I can deal with that for a short amount of time. I need to focus this year on the things that I need to do first, rather than trying to make everyone else happy.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Come on try a little, nothing is forever, there's got to be something better than in the middle....

What is outside the window when I look away?
Does the world exist when I close my eyes?
The earth belongs to me and my imagination...

Does sound still echo when I am out of range?
Can you still sing if my ears are closed?
I only hear what I want to, and I love the sound of your voice....

Do the berries still sweet if I don't taste them?
What do you perceive through the buds of my tongue?
No flavor is ever the same way twice...

Is the bark of the tree rougher on your fingertips?
Will everything fall apart if I touch existence to hard?
My world is in my mind and nothing can destroy it...

Does the rain carry the gentle scent to you as well?
Is the smell of earth as gratifying?
Nothing is so good as the aromatic ways of nature....

The great thing about the world is that it is never the same between two people. Everything is different and it's very rare that anyone will ever share a sensation in the same way. I love the way that I can savor a feeling or a taste or a smell and know that no one will ever have that same experience ever again.

I want to go travel the world. I want to have all the different tastes and sights and smells go through my mind and enjoy them like I've never had before. I want to know what the world is like in all the different corners. I want to explore the earth in a totally selfish way and take all of it in. I want to see the hills of Ireland, the waves in Australia, the plains of Africa. I want to hold the whits sands of the beaches of Costa Rica, let it slip through my fingers. I want to feel the air in the mountains.

I've always wanted to sit in the window frame of a moving car just to feel the wind in my hair. Just the speed alone is exciting. I don't like to drive as much as I like the passenger seat, because so much of the world is passed by when you're behind the wheel. From the right hand side you can watch anything you want and take it in as you feel like it. I like moving at my own pace and seeing the world as I want to, even if it tends to go by in a blur.