Thursday, November 29, 2007

An Extra Piece...

Ok I forgot I was going to post this. This is the video for "She Talks to Angels" by the Black Crowes. I woke up to this song on the radio the other day and (though I have heard it before) instantly fell in love with it. I had to have it, so I've been listening to it on repeat on my iPod when I go places. For some reason it makes me happy.

Puzzle Pieces

I think things are slowly starting to come together with me for the first time in a long time. There was a long period there where I thought that things were going to be lost forever and I was just going to have to deal with being incomplete and confused. Thankfully I know that it's the opposite now.

I think I really have to thank my counsellor for that though. I've been meeting with him for about 5 weeks now (dear god that long already?) and I've actually noticed a huge difference in my outlook on life since I first started going. I went in that first day as a god-awful wreck who could barely form a complete sentence without crying, or stuttering because of the fact I was crying. It was a terrible image. But now, I feel happier, more confident, and just better in general. And so I think now that we've dealt with the majority of my psychological self, we're going to help with my physical being and what not so that I can really just continue to improve my well being in all aspects. I'm going to be more organized, more active, and focused, hopefully, though I may need some help from time to time.

I learned a lot from today's session in particular. We moved away from my mentality after bringing up that I should work on being more organized, and started trying to determine why I prefer the mess and chaos to a cleaner and orderly environments. So after about 40 minutes of discussion of various things, we half came to the conclusion that I have aspects of ADD. Hooray, eh? I've always wondered a bit about that, but never wondered too much about it. Never enough to worry about it, not that I am now. We have some options that might help, so we'll see where that goes.

I'm a little worried about what's going to happen on Monday. I don't know how it's going to work out, not that I don't have faith in everyone involved, just that I don't have faith in my own work. Everyone keeps telling me that they like it and that it's good, but I can't seem to view it the same way. Guh, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

God, I can't wait until exam time is over! I just want this semester to end!!! I am so eager to go home for Christmas because if the schedule stays the same (though it likely won't) then I will get four days in a row off that I can go home! I miss my family like crazy. In fact, I just miss Campbell River in general.

I feel compelled to do the survey thinger on Jill's blog, but I don't have the attention span for it right now. Hahaha

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Well... fuck.

So, I've determined this to be the worst week in existence....

1) I can't seem to finish my psych paper and it's almost a week overdue. The harder I try to work on it, the more futile the effort seems, because I just don't grasp the concepts.

2) I'm the most homesick I have ever been in my life. Ever.

3) Work cut my hours from 15+ to 3 and I have bills to pay, and school to help with.

4) Tomorrow will be my Dad's birthday and I won't be there for it for the first time since I've been born.

5) I've been getting progressively more sick as the week goes on.

6) I came to the realization that I'm going to fail the class that I have to write that paper for, and part of me doesn't care.

7) The majority of my weekend has consisted of moving all the stuff out of my grandmother's place so that my family can move her into a support home in Kelowna. It's pretty depressing disassembling a huge part of your childhood so that you can send half to storage and half to the S.O.S.

8) Though I had a great time last night with everyone, I'm sure most of you noticed that I had a pretty awful stomachache for most of the night.

9) I got home today to find a message on my answering machine to call work. They cut my hours from 3 to none. Permanently.

Basically, my life is pretty much giving me the finger and laughing about it in my face. Every time something seems to be going right, some sort of Karma or Fate or something comes around and flips it all upside down on me. I can't take it anymore...

I feel about ready to snap at the smallest thing.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

House of a 1000 Muppets

So I found this in my roaming of youtube videos' related searches when I came across a Halloween picks video from Rob Zombie (don't ask how I got there because I have no idea). Anyways, this was something that he found on youtube and thought was funny, so I watched it. Someone did a damn good job of this!

What they did was take audio clips from House of a 1000 Corpses and dub it over video clips from Muppet movies. Somehow they made it work really well too....

Anyways, it's good stuff so check it out!