Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Apparently I've become a witness of lots of good karma lately. It seems that where ever I go lately, someone is doing something good for someone else and it's given me a sort of new outlook on people as a whole. I'd started to lose my ability to see the good in everyone, but now I'm getting that back. Even if it just means that the rosey tint is returning to my glasses.

My first experience was a week or two ago when someone I hardly knew at all helped me when my bike lock screwed itself up and wouldn't lock. He offered to take me to the other two places I needed to go, and all we did the entire time was talk about philosophey and how the world was. I wished good karma on him, and tried to offer him money for gas in return, but he refused, happy just to have karma on his side.

Another was today when I was at work. I was coming back from my break and the cashier who had been covering for me was on the phone with a price check while she had a little girl rung through for a box of play-do stuff. She was a bit short for cash and the man behind her asked how much more she needed and covered the rest. She thanked him and Nancy finished her bill and took the price check to customer service so I could take over again. I wished good karma on him too, which he smiled at me and replied with "What kind of human being would I be if I didn't help out every once and a while?"

That stuck in my head since the guy who gave me a ride, who was a different guy, said almost exactly the same thing after helping me. So many people are just out for themselves that hardly anyone is ready to give a small hand to someone who needs it. And I have to admit that I'm guilty of that too more often than not. Hopefully, now that I've seen what I've seen this month, I can change that.

And it would seem I've had a visit from the Nameless One! I've been bending my brain around who you are! Maybe one day you'll grace us with something shorter to call you than He Who Shall Remain Anonymous. Glad I could have been of some help some time ago.

Hope everything is going well for everyone!!