Saturday, December 09, 2006

Crushed in the will to live..

Well I have totally enjoyed going out pretty much every night this week. Ever since I made my post about the dillemma with my roommate, I've been invited somewhere or something. It was really nice to get out of the house, even though she wasn't there most of the time. Amazingly.. she was at home alone last night.

Though the stress of being ready to murder my roommate has passed, the even more daunting stress of exams is kicking me in the face. When I wasn't with people, I was on my laptop reading my notes. Too much stress has been pushing down on my shoulders this month and I seriously need to be given a massage or something. On Wednesday, when Jordan saved me from missing my exam (I heart you forever for that by the way) I got sick before he got there. Then on my way up to the room I nearly fainted from not being able to breathe. I don't know why I get so worked up over little things like that, but I think there might have been other things on top of it. Why am I so stressed? I should be bouncing up and down thinking about how much fun I'm going to have in two weeks, but all I can focus on is how much I think I'm going to ruin my chances of moving on with what I'm doing.

I can't wait for my exams to be done so I can relax a little. I've been trying to distract myself for the moment by trying to figure out how Kitty did all that stuff to her blog... I want to change my colors and stuff! Though, I did find cool headers and stuff where I can write little quoty things...

So, I'm trying not to get my hopes up like I did last time, but it may work out that on the 15th Andy might be able to get up here for the weekend. It'll kinda suck because I'll have to work for a large part of it (one shift is at 9:30 am, blech) but I'm sure we can work everything out. Also, Amanda might come for a day or two. Very excited about that too. I miss you a lot, Manna! So hopefully everything works out, but don't let me get my hopes up or I may end up just super down again.

I think that's it for me today. I'm up for things to do if anyone wants to steal me away somewhere and do something fun. Just gimme a call, or email or whatever. When I'm not out somewhere I'm glued to my computer.

And now for your viewing pleasure, The Messenger by The Tea Party...


Bean said...

Hurray for hanging out at the AKA house!! Good times on the couches *thumbs up*

The Voodoo Doll said...

Those were some sexy couches for sure....

Manda said...

"but don't let me get my hopes up or I may end up just super down again." - !!?? why u say that? Thats good your getting along better with your roomate, hope she will let me stay? I'll talk to you soon. Good luck with school!

The Voodoo Doll said...

I'm sure she won't have a problem with it. It's my turn to have some people over...

And I say that because last time I heard Andy was coming I got excited and it really upset me when he couldn't. I keep telling myself I'm not excited this time... It's not working.

Nik Nak said...

I just realised that I didn't get a chance to tell you that we are going out for my bday tomorrow(Thurs) at 7pm at the Mordern and you should come. I just wanted to make sure you knew about it and i didn't have you # or email. Anyways hope to see you then
Love n' Hugs Nikki