Sunday, January 28, 2007

Can clouds float upon a cloud?

Well I have to say that was a pretty good week. For those of you who don't know, Andy got a ride up on this past Monday to come and see me and I just sent him home today. Sadly, due to my roommate being a jerk, he couldn't stay with me until Friday, but we managed. I enjoyed having him around. We did a lot of things together during the week after my classes were over, and we even went to dinner with an old friend of ours. I managed to get him to shopping with me too.

I feel good about myself after this whole week. After having Andy here, and spoiling myself at the mall (even though I did spend less then 100$), and just getting to relax on the weekend, I feel like I'm back to my normal self. I don't feel like I have that stress constantly riding on my shoulders anymore. I feel... mellow.

I got to see Urinetown with Andy on Wednesday. We got to see all the theater kids there too, but we more or less kept to ourselves. I admit I wasn't in a happy mood that day for some reason. I can't even remember why. Alleah was awesome though and that's what matters. Kitty was kickin' on the lights too, aside from the occasional blindings, but apparently those are intentional?

Got to hang out with Geoff for a bit on Friday too. That was a good mellow day, and I enjoyed it alot. We watched American History X and then watched Scrubs early (I found it on another channel). Man, that was a sad episode. Funny, but sad at the same time. I won't say anything about it, for those of you who are watching the series previous and don't want to know what happens. I will say that I shed a few tears at the finale.

Also, for those who haven't seen it, I have started up a new blog. Due to my constant lurking of YouTube, I have created a place for me to post videos that I find that I figure you kids will enjoy. The probably means a lot of Scrubs clips and what not... also music videos and other such things that make me (and hopefully you) smile. There's already a few in there, so check it out.

So.... THREE DAYS TIL BARENAKED LADIES! In light of which, I shall close with a BNL video here. So for your viewing pleasures.... Brian Wilson by BNL!


Anonymous said...

awww it was great to see you! we'll have to grab coffee soon :)

The Voodoo Doll said...

I had a great time at your place, Drea. For sure we need to spend more time together!

Manda said...

Hope you have fun at the concert! let me know how it goes!