Sunday, January 07, 2007

Crystal tears of joy or pain?

Alone In The Universe ~ David Usher

Jamie's on the bathroom floor she don't know why
She's shaking underneath the sink can't feel a thing
She'd love to live a life she's afraid of failure
With all the voices in her head
Now what was that I thought I hear you scream

I know you can feel it
You're already there
Asleep underwater
Just screaming for air
I know you can feel it
You're already...
Don't you know we're freaks and creature
Wake up I can almost see the light

I think we're alone here you and I
I think we're alone left wondering why
I think we're alone here you and I
I think we're alone in the universe tonight

Alex on the last train home from god knows where
A million miles away from where he thought he'd be
He's got his suit his tie his drink his MTV
He's trading all his life away
You can't escape we're all infected now

I know you can feel it
You're already there
Asleep underwater
Just screaming for air
I know you can feel it
You're already...
Don't you know we're freaks and creatures
Wake up I can almost see the light

I think we're alone here you and I
I think we're alone in the universe tonight

We're all infected now
I know you can feel it
You're already there
Asleep underwater
Just screaming for air
I know you can feel it
You're already...
Don't you know we're freaks and creatures
Wake up I can almost see the light

I think we're alone here you and I
I think we're alone left wondering why
I think we're alone here you and I
I think we're alone in the universe tonight

I think we're alone in the universe tonight
I think we're alone in the universe tonight

Here it is: the last day before school starts again and I admit that I am a little worried. At this point in time, I may only end up with one course this semester, in which case I will be job hunting next week. The down side of this would be that I have to add even more time on to the total number of years it will take me to get into and complete my program. Why did I have to procrastinate one that? Stupid!

So yesterday I was talking with Andy online after coming home from a day of shopping with Kitty. That was just what I needed, shopping therapy! Thank you! Anyways, when I got home, Andy told me that he had something important that he needed to talk to me about. Turns out that Mike and Bobby had their biggest and most trivial fight of all yesterday morning and Andy had enough. He said to Bobby that he was done living there, and done looking after Mitch, which is their kid, and they hardly spend any time with him at all. Surprisingly (to me), Bobby said that she didn't blame him. The bright side of this is that while I was talking to Andy, he was waiting for a reply from Pat (who lives down here) about staying with them until he can get settled down here. Now I know I'm not supposed to get excited about things like that because we all have seen how it turns out most times, but I did get a little cheerful about it. Just think! I could see him when ever I wanted and I could rub Tanya's face in it too.... stupid roommate gets to see her boyfriend all the time. I'd like to add that I haven't seen her in almost a week. I have no idea where she is. Off topic... Ok, so ya. The possibility of being able to see Andy and introduce him to you guys and not have to just ramble on and on about him and not get upset over missing him so much every other day sounded pretty freakin' amazing to me and I was happy about it. Not to mention that having a conversation with him through the microphone on my computer made my day. Sadly, it wasn't to last. Turns out that Pat's manager won't let anyone else live with them, so he could stay a night, maybe two. Add that to the two nights that he could stay here and we have four night max to find him a job, a new place to live and get the money to move into it, get all our stuff (by which I mainly mean my stuff) into said new place and still be able to get me to school by 8:30 am. Ew. I admit, my heart broke a little. Why can't I not let myself get excited over these things when I know they aren't going to work out? I wish I could talk to him right now, but I have no way of doing so except through MSN.

On a lighter note, I watched the entire Third Season of Scrubs today with Geoff and Yannick (aka Lisa M) and Ky. We chilled in my roommate-less place today and munched on Honey Nut Cheerios. I realized that my choices for meals... suck. I have like no food. At least I can survive right? Anyways, chillin' with them today really boosted my spirits. Thanks a lot, guys.

Well, I have to be up earlier then I thought for class tomorrow, which really sucks. Hopefully I'll get a chance to catch the lot of you at some point unless I die of exhaustion. Cross your fingers for me.....

Now if you'll excuse me.. I think I'll go cry now....


Bean said...

*burns with Scrubs jealousy*

Bean said...

*huggles* I hope you can escape the crappy roomie situation and be with your Andy more <3