Monday, January 01, 2007

The fairytale ending is so far away.....

Such Great Heights ~ Iron & Wine

I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles
In our eyes are mirror images and when
We kiss they're perfectly aligned
And I have to speculate that God himself
Did make us into corresponding shapes like
Puzzle pieces from the clay
And true, it may seem like a stretch, but
Its thoughts like this that catch my troubled
Head when you're away when I am missing you to death
When you are out there on the road for
Several weeks of shows and when you scan
The radio, I hope this song will guide you home

They will see us waving from such great
Heights, 'come down now,' they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
'come down now,' but we'll stay...

I tried my best to leave this all on your
Machine but the persistent beat it sounded
Thin upon listening
And that frankly will not fly. You will hear
The shrillest highs and lowest lows with
The windows down when this is guiding you home

I know the original song is done by The Postal Service, but the version done by Iron & Wine has certain meaning to me. I haven't heard the original, and I'm sure it's good too. This one is the one they have on Garden State, which Andy has the soundtrack for. This is our song. I heart you, Geoff, for sending to me earlier today.

The Disney-Log isn't ready yet. I'm just waiting for Dad's photos and short video clips which he took on the digital camera. I'm excited.

Well now, here's the New Year and what am I to do? I haven't made a resolution yet, but it'll most likely end up along the lines of moving out of this shitty living arrangement and getting out of my shitty job. I've decided I hate them both.

Today was great until I went home. I should have just stayed at AKA house the whole day. We watched Sleeping Beauty and I highly enjoyed it. Thanks to Geoff again for driving me home. I sat around waiting for Jordan to call cuz he said something about going to a movie around 4. Nothing. Oh well, no big deal.

I had a great time last night with the AKA house party. Being dressed up (and in pants) and drinking wine and playing Trivial Pursuit was just so awesome. some how our team ended up winning, even though most of the time we weren't paying attention. Go Team Dot Com Stock. From there Geoff and I decided that we were going to go on a mission for firewood and an ax (since we had already found a corkscrew) so we took off to find those. When we got back Alana had already beat us there. I dunno when or where she disappeared to. I don't know her anyways.

I got my Charlie Wine open and let everyone try it. Some people liked it, some didn't. I'm glad at least one person decided to share it with me cuz I would have been on the floor if Martha hadn't had some too.

We did the countdown and that was pretty cool. I kissed Kaitlyn ^.^ I missed Andy a lot in the couple moments before I did so and I almost felt like crying, but I was ok. Not that I didn't enjoy kissing Kitty or anything.

I had another glass of wine after that and I felt pretty happy. I danced with Amber and Maddie and that was a lot of fun. I don't remember a lot of things that happened because I was so tired already. My buzz from the wine wore off pretty quick, but by then I was done drinking and I let myself come down again. A lot of people had left already and now Martha and the Non-Existent Lee were in a text war with each other. I had decided early on that Lee didn't exist because he said something about not liking Billy Idol. I love Billy Idol...

Anyways, I almost fell asleep on the couch but then we went and saw Alleah at work. When we got back it was around 4 am and I was just burnt out like crazy. My week of walking around Anaheim caught up with me and I was just so tired. I got some boo-urns for going to bed, but I did it. I was tired and I was about ready to start crying. It was another one of those moments that I really missed Andy. So I curled up in Kitty's bed by myself and before I could even think of anything that made sense, I was sleeping.

Really good sleep! I slept until almost 1 and it felt really good. When everyone was awake, we watched Sleeping Beauty. I haven't seen that movie in a long time, so I enjoyed that a lot.

Then when I got home I called Andy and we had a good talk. I ended up in tears because I miss him so much. I didn't think that New Years was going to be this hard without him around. I've decided to go back to Campbell River for a few days before school starts again and I don't get to go back for a while.

Does anyone know of anything that will make me smile and be happy again?
Anybody want to move out of where they are and find a place to live with me?


jordanibanez said...

This will make you smile. And I would move in with you, but your name isn't Ky, and you don't smoke weed.

The Voodoo Doll said...

I did smile while trying to figure out what the hell was going on... thank you

Well I guess I could change my name and start up again, but then I would have to kill Ky and steal his whole identity and I don't think he would like that very much.

Thank you Jordan ^.^

Tarantula eyes said...

ahhhhhhh crying sucks....I love that song as well. I love garden state!
dont know if this will make you smile but it made me smile.
I love ya. take care.

Akiyhrah said...

Don't worry Steph, there was someone else I wanted to be kissing aw well.

The Voodoo Doll said...

I've actually yet to watch Garden State... One day... Andy says I have to watch it with him first. In fact we're gonna go rent it right now. Hooray for Zach Braff!!

And Kitty, I knew that when I did it. But I didn't want either of us to be left out.... Doesn't change that fact that I enjoyed kissing you. Hee hee

Akiyhrah said...

lol I always enjoy kissing you. ^_^

Bean said...

*huggles* You are le awesome hun, hope things are looking better and brighter.

The Voodoo Doll said...

Well, it is a new year. A chance to start things over again. I'm sure with a little effort I can get things looking up again.

You are le awesome to Jill. Thanks