Friday, February 23, 2007

Time doesn't like me today...

So, I should be sitting on a greyhound right now being taken to CR right now, but my stupid alarm clock didn't go off and I slept until 8:15, whereas the bus left at 8:30. I couldn't have even called a cab to get me there in that time. Now I have to wait until 2:30 to go, which means I won't get there until 4:45. I'm not happy about this.

I'm aiming to be back for the show on March 2nd. I know I'll miss out on opening party and what not, but I don't work on that Friday so I'd like to spend as much time in CR as I can. So I wish you all the best of luck though I know you guys don't need it because you're all fantastic.

There are still some of my truths down there unsolved. None of you are #3. Other than that, from what I remember, the ones that are left are all you guys. I'll check back every once and a while to see who's on track.

Edit: I was talking to Trista on MSN (our friend that Andy is staying with), and she agreed to come pick me up! I don't have to sit around and wait until the next bus! I'll still only be in at like 3 or 4, but that's still better then waiting. Exciting!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Who are you?

Well, this is me procrastinating studying for my midterm. I just went through the study disk and I seemed to do all right. Hopefully I can do just as well on the test. I've gotta read some articles or something before I go to bed, which is gonna suck, but it's gotta be done.

So in light of wasting time... here's my ten truths!

1. I miss hanging out with you a lot. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the back burner and it sucks, but I know that things are crazy. A piece of me just wants some of the same attention that everyone else gets. ~ Kaitlyn

2. I'm worried that you don't take enough time to take care of yourself. If you keep things up the way you are going, you will crash harder then I did and make yourself sick. I appreciate everything that you are doing, but take some time to think about you. I'll be here no matter what. ~Andy

3. I know you won't see this so I feel safe to be truthful about how much I miss you. Surprised me for sure. It amazed me how close of friends we got to be after everything we went through in high school. I can only hope that things start getting better for you. I can't wait to see you when I go home. ~Sean

4. What is your drive? What are you motivated to do? I don't know that your energy is spent in the right places a lot of the time. Find your focus and work towards it, things will work out in your favor if you fight for it.

5. Good things do happen to you. You need to take a moment to reflect on that. I love you and I'm here for you. I just want to see you smile more because you are totally gorgeous when you do.

6. Sometimes I can't tell if you really are being nice to me, or if it's just because I'm there. You always seem to greet me with a smile, is it genuine? I'd be really happy to know that you are being nice to me because you want to.

7. I swear you give great hugs. I don't agree with some of your opinions, and I hope that won't make me less likable. Spending time with you is always a lot of fun and I hope get to do more of it. ~Ky

8. Despite what some people will say, you are a great friend to me. You can always seem to make me smile when I am in the worst of moods. Ya, sometimes you've got strong opinions that people may not like or agree with, which includes me sometimes, but everyone does. Like the above person, I hope that won't make us any less of friends.

9. I wish I knew you so much better. I hardly ever see you and when I do, you're usually doing something or talking to someone. One of these days I will actually sit down and talk to you and get to know you better. You are (in my opinion) one of the most adorable people around.

10. Geezus, how long have we been friends eh? I miss spending time with you so much! Looking at how well you're doing with your life has made me want to do better with mine, and I admit that I'm extremely jealous of you because of it. You are going to be so much better at this than I am. Who would have thought all those years ago when people would mistake us for sisters, or even confuse us with each other, that we would end up being practically the same person anyways. I know we don't talk much, but I've always had a place in my mind for you that will never ever go away. Dammit, now I'm all teary..... I hope I never lose contact with you. ~Cindy

This picture is for everyone!
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Also as a side note, I have a new video up in the video blog. Warm fuzzy moment. All fans of Zach Braff should watch it.... right now....GO!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dancing lights and pulsing sounds...

Well guys... I'd have to say that I had a good time tonight. I thank you all!

As you all most likely know, yesterday was my 21st birthday. I had a great mellow day to myself. Once Tanya left for Steve's place I moved myself to the living room and sat around watching movies and such. Of course that's pretty much what I do everyday, but I was just in such a good mood that I enjoyed it so much more.

Tonight was my night to spend with friends. Liz came up from CR and we made our way to the Foundry (fashionably late) after stopping at the mall. It made me smile to see so many people there! I was so glad to have everyone there. Sorry I made you wait! We chilled out at the Foundry for a while, had some good food, a drink or two, some awesome conversations.

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From there, our group made our way over to 70. This was my first time there on a Friday and I admit I had a great time. Dancing and some more drinks made for a perfect mix of good times. The DJ made me full of glee when he played No Heaven, which I requested, and we all danced to it. Know what else made me smile? Nikki, Gregoire and Mela in the cage!

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Hawt stuff guys!

As the night went on, people began to part ways. Biff showed up eventually and we had some good times with him and the group. Then the music took a turn for the trance and we agreed that it was time to bolt. Kitty, Liz, Biff, and I headed over to Tim Hortons and got some warm drinks, Biffer got a sandwich. Once content, we parted way and now here I am at home with Liz watching Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back before we crash on the couch.

Guard Gordon - "Echo Base, I've got a 10-07: two unauthorized on the lot."
Echo Base - [walkie talkie] I thought that was a 10-82.
Guard Gordon - No sir, a 10-82 is disappearing a dead hooker from Ben Affleck's trailer.
Echo Base - Oh, that Affleck! Backup on the way...

Guard Gordon: Sorry to interrupt sirs, but we've got a 10-07 on our hands.
Matt Damon - Oh Jesus, again Ben?
Ben Affleck - No, bullshit, because I wasn't WITH a hooker today, ha-HA!

So guys, I thank you all for the love in the past couple days. All the messages and birthday wishes and chillin' with me has made me feel a lot better about everything. I knew I loved you all for a reason.

Tomorrow I'm heading back to CR for the day. I've been so homesick that I don't know if I could wait another week before visiting. I'll get to spend the day with my family and Andy, maybe see a few friends if I get a chance. This weekend turned out better than I expected.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Good people in fun colors v.2 .....

These pictures were made with a lot of help from Kaitlyn and Alleah. -love-

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I tried playing with color filters this time on some of them. If you can't tell... I'm enjoying this.
Still waiting on Nick and Drea and Amanda.....

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Good people in fun colors....

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I love you guys!

I still need pictures of Nick, Amanda, Drea, and anyone else who isn't up there that wants one

Friday, February 09, 2007

Fingers crossed for some good times...

Well, it's getting ever closer now. I'll be 21 on the 15th of this month, and here's my plan:

- 15th is my day. Hopefully Andy is here by then and I'm just gonna chill with him all day.

- 16th is group day. I'm hoping that everyone is up for a trip to the bar that night. Going down to 70 to have some fun. Now, I know there's rehersals and such going on, so I understand if a lot of you don't feel up to staying. Also, any of you CR kids wanna come join me then I would love to have you! That includes you too Cindy, even though you're a Vic kid now. Amanda, Van kid, you're also a CR kid. Also the possiblity of going to the Foundry before hand.

So that's my plan... basically I just wanna have some fun with friends. Anyone with any other ideas is free to bring them up. All this comes from not knowing Nanaimo very well at all.

Hopefully I'll be out of my rut by then

On a side note, congrats to Cindy for getting the summer job in Maine!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bandwagons and construction projects....

61 Odd Questions. (so not true)
1.) Do you talk in your sleep? apparently...
2.) Red Jello or Blue Jello? Blue
3.) Whats the song thats getting on your nerves right now? Fergilcious and that stupid Unfaithful... If it hurts her so much, why does she keep doing it?
4.) Favorite Food Group: grains and wheats (ie rice and pasta and bread)
5.) What's your favorite color(s)? Green, especially lime
6.) Window seat or aisle seat? Window, always. I like to be able to watch things go by (which reminds me, Jordan... you need to get me that song.. you know the one)
7.) Ever met anyone famous? Uh... Narduar! And Swollen Members.. kinda
8.) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? for the most part.. I'm still workin' on it though
9.) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I twirl part of it and then suck up the rest
10.) Who do you like - Ricky Lake or Oprah Winfrey? I don't watch either
11.) Basketball or Football? I don't play sports, really
12.) How long do your showers last? as long as I can make them last

- uh 13 and 14? -

15.) Are you self-conscious? quite often, yes
16.) Have you ever given money to a bum? yup

- 17? -

18). Where do you wish you were? Campbell River... I miss that shit-hole
19). Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? no, but I've sat in the back of one
20.) Can you tango? hahaha no
21.) Last gift you received? Geoff taking me to BNL
22.) Last sport you played? uuhhhhhhhh........... sardines? I have no idea
23.) Things you spend a lot of money on? groceries, phone bill, rent, text books... other then that, nothing really

- O.o 24 and 25? -

26) Favorite FAST food restaurant? Subway
27) What food will you not eat? live things, gross smelling things, stuff like that
28) Can you sing? when no one is looking..

- dammit where's 29? -

30) What's your least fav. chore? sweeping, dusting
31. Favorite Drink? rasberry juice
32) Are you a vegetarian? I think I'm slowly inching that way, but no
33) Do you believe in Heaven? I believe in a spiritual plane, not necessarily Heaven though
34) Do you miss someone? so many people to miss... everyday
35) Have you ever come close to dying? I don't think so

- I'm gonna start making my own questions... -

37) Are you eating? Nope, just got home from work so I'm going to shower right after this
38) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? yup! I like that part better
39) Do you wear makeup? less then I used to
40) Whats your worst fear? losing everyone
41) Would you ever have plastic surgery? maybe to fix my tooth
42) What do you wear to bed? mom-made pj pants and a t-shirt

*43) Are you wondering where the questions went? Uh... yeah!
*44) Did you steal them? why I would steal the questions I have no idea...

45) What kind of shoes do you wear usually? runners, chucks, or my work shoes (black suede flats)
46) Do you want kids? once I'm done school
47) Future child's name? Boys: Brody, Adrian, Justin... Girls: Julia, Kara, Alexis (no, I'm not having that many kids)

*48) Are you sure you didn't steal them? Yes!
*49) I think you're lying. That is so not a question!

50) Do you snore? no, I do something more painful but just as annoying... grind my teeth
51) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Ireland, Scotland, England
52) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes, right now I have a reindeer that I got as a secret santa gift from my CR visit
53) If you won the lottery, what would you do? pay for school, help out my parents, get matt his dream bass, send whole family on a trip, buy a house (no more roommate!), get a car, QUIT SUPERSTORE!! then find a teaching job
54) Gold or silver? silver
55) Hamburger or hot dog? hamburgers, for as much as I like hot dogs, I always feel sick afterwards
56) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be ? chicken alfredo pastas
57) City, beach, country? country (preferably near a river)
58) What was the last thing you touched? aside from my laptop... my new jacket
59) What did you eat last? chicken bacon ranch sub (mm subway makes for good break food)
60) When was the last time you cried? last night
61) Do you read blogs? more then I should

1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? black
2. Honestly, whats on your mind right now? how I can sneak a day & half trip to CR next weekend and still get all my work done
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? sitting on my bed, waiting for Kyla to come online so I know if she made it past round 2 or not
4. Honestly, what did you do today? worked and that's it so far
5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive? sometimes.. only when in a really good mood
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? I didn't charge anyone for bags today, but I'm supposed to... wait... I do that everytime I work....
7. Honestly, do you watch disney channel? Is the the same as Family Channel... if so, then yes... I love The Weekenders and Recess.... shut up
8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? I have my envies
9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? being around other happy people, helping someone get through a rough time, having long conversations with really close friends
10. Honestly, do you bite your nails? not my nails, but the sides of my fingers when I feel anxious
11. Honestly, what is your mood right now? I just am.. I'm sore, but I'm ok
12.Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? technically no... but I've had my moments (no forced vomitting was involved)
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute? more then anything else... I miss my brother a lot right now
14. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret? I have a few
16. Honestly, do you hate someone right now? yup
17. Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now? Andy, Kaitlyn, Amanda, Matt, Drea, Amber, my mom, my dad, Geoff, Liz, Sean, Bobby, Ky (you give great hugs), hugs are awesome and I would love hugs to and from everyone about now
18. Honestly, are you loyal? to the best of my abilities
19. Honestly, are you in denial? I didn't know I had anything to be in denial about
20. Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now? yes in the sense that it would mean the Andy and I would be in the same place at the same time... or I should hope so
21. Honestly, who is your best friend? Kaitlyn, Andy, Amanda, Sean, Aaron, Adam (wow I have a lot of 'A' friends)
22. Honestly, have you ever consumed alcohol? al-co-hol? of course! I have a bottle of wine in my closet that is just getting better and better..
23. Honestly, do you like someone? psh no of course not!
24. Honestly, does anyone like you? ya I'm pretty sure he hates me too
25. Honestly, is it going anywhere with them? I SAID NO I HATE YOU!! -crosses fingers for May to come sooner-
26. Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly? as far as I know, some of them were joking.... especially the previous three

Aside from all that, any of you who are still a-waiting my Disney-Adventure Log.... the wait has shortened significantly. All I have to do now is build it.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Out of the ashes shines a light...

So I was having a pretty shitty couple of days this week. I was depressed, homesick, lonely, etc etc. The usual. I'm seriously lacking in funds for food and my phone bill and now the doctor's bill that I got from a walk in clinic. I thought walk ins didn't charge.

Anyways, I was down. That's the point.

That turned around yesterday. Yesterday, Geoff and his family took me with them to Victoria to see the Barenaked Ladies concert. We left early so we could wander around downtown for a bit and have dinner. The only shop we really went to was Utopia, where I got a kick ass t-shirt. Gotta love Monty Python. From there we went to a nifty veggitarian restaurant. After that we parked the car and went over to the Save On Food Memorial Center (what is it a memorial for?) and waited for the doors to open.

Hooray for Tomi Swick being the opener band! They were one of the openers when I saw Stabilo too, so I was happy for that. I bought the CD between their set and BNL. They have such a great sound and I'll try and find a video of theirs for the end of this post. They didn't do their cover of Karma Police this time though, which kinda made me sad, but it was still great.

Then BNL came on after playing "Barenaked Ladies are Me..." on the screens. The only thing that made me sad about the first half of their set was that NO ONE stood up or anything! We had floor seats and every stayed seated (except for two songs where they stood up and then sat down again) until after they played Lovers in a Dangerous Time. By then, everyone was on their feet and the guys told the crowd to give the finger to anyone seated that asked someone to sit down.

The show was incredible! Their sound was natural and it was very obvious that they were enjoying being up there. They had so much energy and it was just fun all around.
Though we had to work for them, they guys did two encores. They have the best tangents! During If I Had A Million Dollars, they went on some really good ranting tangents that aren't normally included in the song. Haha, ferries in the airport! Hahahaha

All in all I had a great time. In return for taking me, I'm going to get the new BNL cd for Geoff when it comes out in a few days.

Ok so this is Tomi Swicks first music video. I couldn't find any quality concert clips, so this will do just fine. This is Everything's All Right.

Also, any Final Fantasy 7 geeks should check my video blog for some fun...