Thursday, February 01, 2007

Out of the ashes shines a light...

So I was having a pretty shitty couple of days this week. I was depressed, homesick, lonely, etc etc. The usual. I'm seriously lacking in funds for food and my phone bill and now the doctor's bill that I got from a walk in clinic. I thought walk ins didn't charge.

Anyways, I was down. That's the point.

That turned around yesterday. Yesterday, Geoff and his family took me with them to Victoria to see the Barenaked Ladies concert. We left early so we could wander around downtown for a bit and have dinner. The only shop we really went to was Utopia, where I got a kick ass t-shirt. Gotta love Monty Python. From there we went to a nifty veggitarian restaurant. After that we parked the car and went over to the Save On Food Memorial Center (what is it a memorial for?) and waited for the doors to open.

Hooray for Tomi Swick being the opener band! They were one of the openers when I saw Stabilo too, so I was happy for that. I bought the CD between their set and BNL. They have such a great sound and I'll try and find a video of theirs for the end of this post. They didn't do their cover of Karma Police this time though, which kinda made me sad, but it was still great.

Then BNL came on after playing "Barenaked Ladies are Me..." on the screens. The only thing that made me sad about the first half of their set was that NO ONE stood up or anything! We had floor seats and every stayed seated (except for two songs where they stood up and then sat down again) until after they played Lovers in a Dangerous Time. By then, everyone was on their feet and the guys told the crowd to give the finger to anyone seated that asked someone to sit down.

The show was incredible! Their sound was natural and it was very obvious that they were enjoying being up there. They had so much energy and it was just fun all around.
Though we had to work for them, they guys did two encores. They have the best tangents! During If I Had A Million Dollars, they went on some really good ranting tangents that aren't normally included in the song. Haha, ferries in the airport! Hahahaha

All in all I had a great time. In return for taking me, I'm going to get the new BNL cd for Geoff when it comes out in a few days.

Ok so this is Tomi Swicks first music video. I couldn't find any quality concert clips, so this will do just fine. This is Everything's All Right.

Also, any Final Fantasy 7 geeks should check my video blog for some fun...


Martha said...

jealous! i love bnl and tomi swick!

jealous jealous jealous

glad you have fun!

The Voodoo Doll said...

I can copy the tomi swick cd for you if you don't already have it martha.

Cindy said...

man, do you KNOW how close i live to the Save on Foods Memorial Centre!!!!?!!?!?!? like, 30 second walk! literally! 1/2 a block away!!!!! on top of a bright blue corner store! hehe

The Voodoo Doll said...

seriously? wow.... so close........... why didn't I know this before?