Thursday, April 26, 2007

We're here for a good time....

Well... this is my last blog post from Nanaimo, guys. In three days time I will be packing my stuff into my dad's truck and heading back to good ol' CR. I probably should be packing, but I'm not. Kitty has instructed me to update.. so here I am.

I want to thank you all for giving me such a great time this year. Had it not been for the lot of you ( and I do mean all of you guys ) I would have never made it through the school year. Because of all the love you've given me, I had a lot of fun and I may have even become a little more crazy, but who ever said that was a bad thing.

My old friends in CR probably will see the difference in me, though I don't know that they can appreciate the same things you guys do and they might think I'm a little weird now. I'm not complaining. I like who I am, and I owe a piece of that to being part of this group.

I'll miss you all a lot. I mean, I know I won't be that far away, but the fact that I won't have the opportunity to have any of you around is the whole difference.

After being accepted into the crowd, I don't think CR life will ever be the same! Haha

On the other hand, I am happy to be going home. There are a few friends there that I know are more than excited to hear of my upcoming return, and that made me feel special. A friend of mine from elementary school told Andy that she wants him and I to go visit her when I get there, which I admit surprised me a little. In my regular fashion I'm going to have to randomly show up at Aaron's house. Every time I end up in CR I always find a way to surprise him that I'm in town. The only ones I'm not sure about anymore is Liz and Sabrina. Last I heard they were still 'bar stars' and I'm not really into that scene anymore. I had my fun at the Voodoo (no it has nothing to do with my screen name) and the last time I went there with the old crowd I felt very out of place.

I grew up a lot while I was here, but not at the same time. Some of the things that I loved to do in the summer just seem lame and sometimes immature. Dancing all night in an overcrowded bar with drunken idiots and drug addicts doesn't interest me anymore, whereas I didn't see it that way last year. I would much rather dance part of the night with fun drunk people and no drugs (weed is not a drug to me) at former AKA house than that. I would rather see my friends sing karaoke and have fun just hanging out in 70 Below than try and force my way through the crowd in the Voodoo.

There are a few things that I am looking forward to over the summer though. One of the biggest ones is the Finger Eleven concert with Andy and Ky and maybe Jilly (you really should come). I know that we're going to have an awesome time together! Also, Jilly and Brianna have been kind enough to offer me a place to stay one weekend if I come to visit, so I will do my very best to do so at least once through the summer. I will be back and forth from June until the end of the summer for a class, so I'll probably see a few of you then.

And it just wouldn't be a proper -end of the year- post without saying special things about the people I'm ,sadly, leaving behind....

Gregoire, you were the first person, that I really made friends with here. You didn't even know me and you did so much for me at the beginning of the year and I never forgot it. You've been a great friend to me and you are always so much fun to be around. I hear you're not coming back for third year and if this is true then I better still see you around.

Ky, I will always remember the first time we really hung out together at Jordan's place. It was an interesting night, for sure. I wish that I had gotten to know you better at the beginning of the year, because you are such a great person. You have the potential to do such amazing things. And I have to say... I'm jealous of you for your new beautiful bass. See you on May 13th!!

Amber, I think we saved each other a couple times this year. Especially in the last few weeks. I can't imagine what I would have done without you to watch Pretty in Pink with, or laugh at Hitch Hiker's, or sing with me at karaoke to keep me in time or tune. You are a fantastic and incredible person, just like I told you in that note I left. I meant every word of it. You are one of the best friends I made this year and I wish nothing but the best for you. Count on me to be visiting you in the summer when I can, and definitely when I get back, because I desperately need to hang out with you and talk about how silly boys can be.

Jilly, you are the most adorable thing alive. You are another of the people I wish I had gotten to know better at the beginning of the year because I can just imagine all the adventures that we missed out on in that time. Next year for sure, you and I will have many more great times together. And maybe I'll even successfully steal you away from Jordan. -insert evil laughter here-

Geoff, you have been my saviour this year. I could count on you when I had no one else to turn to and you always found a way to bring me back up again. There is not enough time in the world that I can thank you for the things that you have done for me, but I can try. There are so many good memories that we had shared since we met, which I can't believe wasy only, like, 6 months ago, but here we are. Like I said about Amber, I meant every word that I said in the letter that I wrote for you. I see you as a great person and have always been there for me when I needed a friend. You could always tell when I needed someone and without me even having to say anything, would be there and offereing to anything you could to help me. I'll miss seeing you so often in the summer, so you better come to CR at least once, ok?

Yannick (aka Lisa M), I'm gonna miss you lots! I swear that when you get back I am going to give you the biggest hug ever and not let go for a few minutes. You are probably the sweetest person I have ever met and I hope that never changes. I hope you have lots of fun when you get home, and I'm sad I won't get to visit you (unless I somehow randomly end up in the Yukon) but I'll be that much more excited to see you in September. Next year will be filled with adventures and awesomely terrible horror movies (better than Frogs!) and I can't wait. Lots of love!

Kaitlyn, I have you to thank for all this even being possible. Had it not been for you convincing me to come to the song party, none of this would have ever happened. You have been my best friend for.... -counts-.... 8 years and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. We didn't get to spend a lot of time together, and ya that makes me kind of sad, but I know that things happen and people get busy with other things. I know that you'll always be there for me, and we are family to each other. My mom even considers you family (look at how she was over that Majority thing) so I'd say that's a pretty good sign. I love you for everything you have ever done for me, whether I've known you've done it or not. You've always been the one I could trust with anything and the first I ever told my deepest secrets too, often the only one I tell. I will be here for you forever, no matter what happens, and I can't wish for anything but the best for you. And there is one thing I have to say... I have never seen anyone more perfect for you than Terry. Honestly. He's as geeky as you are. I know I'll see you around in the summer, especially if you come up to CR for a bit in the summer (remember that your family lives there and I bet they would love to see you too... ok so I'm just trying to make excuses) and we'll have a good time in whatever we do. I love you, sis!!

Like I said before, I am going to miss you guys and I'm probably making this more dramatic than it really needs to be but, hey, whatever right? If I don't see you on Friday at the camping trip, I'm sure I'll see you around in the summer at least once. Hope you all have a kick ass time!


This may not be the song I was going for... but it's still a good one!


Akiyhrah said...

I think that was the maddest I've seen your mom in a looooong time... haha


Anonymous said...

i am going to miss you steph!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss you already :(


Anyways, indeed, we did save eachother... and if I can manage it, I too will try to visit you in CR

have fun, and don't get sunburnt :P
(haha if the sun will ever cmoe back out)

Bean said...

*snuggles* You are fabulous darling, don't ever change. You better come take advantage of my couch space this summer, I'm gonna miss you like crazy!!! Much love hun!!

Misha said...

awe im going to miss you...even though we never really talked to are fucking awesome and were the first new person i met at school this year...i cant believe this year has gone by so fast...see you in sept if not sooner :D

The Voodoo Doll said...

Awww, you all made me smile! I miss you guys already -tears-

Amber, I'll do my best to not be burnt when I see you.

M, thanks for the words -hearts- You're pretty nifty yourself.

Tarantula eyes said...

you know i love you right darling?! You are one of the most wonderful geniune people i know, and i love to be around you. Your sneaky little smile is contagious. much love to you

The Voodoo Doll said...

awww lisa I love you too!
I miss you too much already!