Friday, May 11, 2007

Lemonade is sweeter with a friend....

Well, I figured it was time for a post.

Here I am, back in CR, and I have to admit that I'm feeling pretty good about being here. Though I can tell the extent of the excitement here isn't very high, but I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not yet.

Even though I've only been here or about two weeks, I've already had my highs and lows. Things are going pretty much as though I had never left, but there were a few people that sure made sure that I knew they had missed me.

Liz convinced me to go out with her to the bar the other night and I can't say that I regretted that at all. I had fun, but I hardly knew anyone there. And Kitty, I have a new reason why you should come visit me.... our favorite bartender has returned from the UK.

I've yet to track down Aaron and surprise him, though Andy told him I was here, so I guess it's not a surprise anymore. But that's ok. I get a kick out of the fact that Aaron was confused by Andy telling.. well actually kind of demanding... that Aaron call me and spend time with me.

Speaking of Andy, I've spent a few night watching movies and things with him. The first night we hung out, he made me pizza and took me to see Fracture, which I suggest every one of you go see because it was great.

I finally got a call back from one of my resumes. Zellers wants to see me on Monday. It'll be a dash to get from the bus, to see if mom will let me use the car, to getting home and cleaned up, to getting back to Zellers for my interview. Should be interesting.

Sunday is only two days away! I'm very excited for Sunday. Andy, Ky and I are going down to Victoria for the Finger Eleven concert. Hooray for floor shows! Definitly looking forward to great fun with two awesome people.

Also, hooray to Ky and Martha!

Hooray to Martha and Amber for finding a place! Don't worry Amber, I'll come protect you from them as soon as I can!

Hooray to Geoff for getting the part in the play!


I had one more and now I don't remember what it is...

Oh well..

As much as I love it here, I do still miss you guys. Hopefully once I start work I'll be able to afford to come visit for a weekend. Don't worry Jilly I still plan on taking up your couch at some point before the summer is over!

That's about all I have for now!

Oh! I get my laptop back today!!!


Anonymous said...

Steph, I will see you tomorrow at the concert!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, it's Jilly, haha.

The Voodoo Doll said...


Akiyhrah said...

OH MY GOD!! Josh is back??????? SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!

Tarantula eyes said... home is a mixed blessing?

i love you and miss you muchly

The Voodoo Doll said...

yes he is! gonna visit me now? haha

and yes, lisa it is.. but I'm more happy than not.

Akiyhrah said...

are they still doing mondays at the voodoo? And I might be visiting shortly ^_^

Anonymous said...

come visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!