Monday, August 27, 2007

Movies and Interviews....

So guys.. here I am. Back in Nanaimo again! I think I'm happy, but I'm still getting used to the fact that I'm not just here for the weekend again. I'm not used to having a place to go to without parents around or other things like that. Even not seeing Dave around is wierd already. The biggest things are not having Andy or my family around everyday. I'm going to miss them alot but I know that they're out there and I can call them almost anytime.

To you Nanaimo kids.. I missed you guys too while I was away. Something about your brand of craziness is hard to come by and I didn't realize how much fun it was until I was away from it for a long time. I look forward to a good year out here.

Having a great roommate is going to be big this year. Jilly! You are fabulous! I hope we stay best buddies all year!

Andy, hunny, I'm gonna miss you like crazy this year though. I hope that we can have many more nights together this year compared to last year. I know how much you held back from everything then and I appreciate that. I love you!

There's not much to report yet. I had a couple interviews today and I really hope that the one went as well as I thought it did. I was seriously nervous at the first one, but not even a little bit at the second one, so hopefully at least one of them calls me back. I want to start working again really soon so I can have money for the beginning of the school year. Aside from that it's just hanging out and unpacking boxes and whatnot.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Can we at least get a new radio station?

I think I had one of the worst days today. I cant wait until 6:00 pm on Wednesday so that I can finally be done with Superstore once and for all. I swear to whatever God exists and cares to listen to me that I will never work for them ever again.

It started out ok. Doing breaks is fine because it makes the day go faster. But then I got stuck on express and things just went to hell from there. I can't stand being on express. Apparently I'm just not fast enough for the people who decide they need a newspaper or pop or grapes or more than twelve items in the 'twelve items or less' lane at 8 o'clock at night and are either too lazy or too simple to work the self check out. You touch the screen where it tells you to! Sorry I can't move at an inhuman pace to give you your 13 cents of change. It's not my fault the four people in front of you had status cards.

From there I got moved back and forth between the two express lanes, having to drag the mat back and forth since there was no mat on lane 11. Ever stood in one place for half an hour with worn out shoes? It sucks. A lot. Thankfully they moved me to the big lanes at 9:30. Did that make things better? No. I turned into the Express/Regular lane where no one is happy. People with a few items are mad because they have to use the regular lanes behind regular sized orders, and have only regular sized lanes and the self check out to choose from. Who gets the snotty comments as a result? Me. People with regular sized items are frustrated with the larger amount of people with single/couple item orders because they can't get in before them. Who has to listen to them complain about how people can't use the U-Scan? Me. Know who would rather bitch at them all then smile and agree with them that all of that sucks? Ya, me.

The highlights of my day were Andy and Sean coming into the store for 3 minutes to say hi to me, and a regular customer telling me that I was his favorite cashier.

When I saw two of my favorite people in the world come through the doors, I wanted to tell the lady trying to force her status card at me to fuck off so I could go and hug and Andy and leave. That was all I wanted today, was a hug from my boyfriend. Stupid work. The closer it gets to Saturday, the more I want to latch on to him and not let go. I'm gonna miss him so much. Hopefully I get to spend some more time with him this week. I have to get all my stuff packed before I can stay at his place on Thursday, so I'm going to start burning away at that in the next few days.

But before that happened and I was still on the express lane the first time, I had a guy whose been coming to the store regularly since I worked at this store the first time. He's French, I think, so he's got a neat accent and I always end up having some sort of interesting conversation with him. He's an older guy. Anyways, he came up to my lane with a smile and says "Ah, my favorite cashier!" We talked about me going away to school and stuff and then he said that I always seemed really cool and nice and he wished me luck this year. Too bad things went sour after that so I didn't really get to enjoy it aside from the moment he said it.

I hope that these awful days aren't going to be a trend this week. Yesterday was pretty bad too. Andy was supposed to come to Superbad with me and my younger brother and his friend, but people came to eat at Joeys 5 minutes before close so he couldn't come with us. That sucked, but the movie was good. I had terrible luck with traffic and getting places on time for reasons out of my control. I got stuck behind the out-of-country drivers from hell. Who stops in the middle of an intersection and waits a minute or two to decide if they're going to turn or not?

I need a vacation.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Revenge from the back of the brain....

So, I felt something that I really haven't felt in a long time. After taking my cousins to see that Ratatoullie movie, we came out of the theatre and I saw his shiny new red truck sitting in the parking lot. Which means he was now in the theatre we had just come out of.

As we walked by it, I had such a deep resentment towards what that truck held. I knew it was his from the decal on the canopy, and I did my best not to show it, but I felt ready to freak out. For the first time in a long time, I wanted to smash in each window, scratch that perfect paint job, slash all four tires to shreds, shatter the headlights, dent the body, pour sugar in the gas tank, and just abuse that truck to the point that it couldn't be repair. No matter how much time and money he put into it. And that truck is completely innocent of us. The Mustang.... I would give it an even worse fate.

I can't remember the last time I felt that much.... hate towards him, or his possessions. I hope it's not a regular occurance....

On another note, I move back to Nanaimo on the 25th of this month. I know that this year will result in good times with Jilly and I, and of course the lovely ladies who live across the hall. I'm actually kind of eager to get back to school, as much of a work load this is going to be on me. As long as I can stay focused, everything will be just fine. My environments are going to be a lot less stressfull this year.