Sunday, May 25, 2008

Twist and Shout!

I am loving things lately. And it's been way too long since I wrote an update for this thing. Note to self: don't neglect the blog.

I'm sitting by myself in my living room with my laptop rapidly heating up my thighs, watching Ferris Beuller's Day Off on YTV (commercials and kid orientated TV hosts are irritating me) and just relaxing. It's cool to just be chill right now, since I've been doing so much the past few days, even if it was a lot of not much of anything. I love being able to have fun doing nothing, and the biggest accomplishment of the day is finding a friend you haven't seen for a couple days.

I've been starting to do good things for myself, and it's making me feel better about me. I quit smoking, I don't drink as often as I did, I'm almost starting to eat better, I've started walking more places when I can. Just a few little things to start with, but together are making me feel good. I think the next step will be to try and work down the bit of extra weight at my tummy. If I can do that, I think I would be infinitely happier with my self-image.

I think it's great that I have someone that I never stop laughing with. Everything, no matter how small the activity, is enjoyable. Even sitting awkwardly across the table from one another in a fancy restaurant in fancy clothes is hilarious and fun. The fact that I know he's having as much fun as I have been makes it that much better too.

Ever since I started doing things to make myself happy, I've been feeling better. It's not that I stopped caring about how other people are feeling or that I don't want to make others happy too, it's just that I've realized that I do need to put myself first sometimes. My own happiness is something that should be important to me, and now it is. I can bring myself back from my low spots on my own now, which is something I wasn't able to do up until a couple months ago. I actually haven't even had one for just over a month and that's really good for me.

I can't really think of anything else to write about here. I'll just go back to enjoying my awesome 80's movie!


Bean said...

You shine, Stephie.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy for you Steph
btw we need to chill when you get your voice back!