Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ideas that dance in my head....

I don't know that everyone I talk about here is going to get to read it, but I'm going to say them anyways. If you want to know who you are, ask me. I may tell you....

1. You are one of the best things that ever happened to me. I wish that we had more time to spend with each other lately, but I know we're both busy a lot. I hope you do well! Scratch that... I know you'll do well. Without you I would be so lost, and so not who I am today. I owe you! I love you as if you were my own sister, and we didn't fight like sisters do sometimes. Every time I see you, I smile because I know how far we've come together and I wouldn't be the same person without you. Thanks for helping me out, even to this day.

2. We may not be as close as we used to be, but I know in our hearts we're still way back when and chasing each other around in cat ears with toilet paper roll microphones. You are so amazing. You are always there for me when I have needed you and I hope that never changes.

3. We've had our good and bad times and I'm glad we've come to this. You have no idea how happy I am that you came back to me. Everyday that I don't get to see you makes me wish so much more that I could. When it comes to this, patience is not my strong point. It's too bad that we weren't smarter sooner.

4. You are such a great person. Everytime I see you, you have the most addictive smile on your face. I only wish the best for you, in what ever form you wish for the most. My only regret to you is not being able to help you, but I try as hard as I can. I hope things that have happened won't come between us.

5. I swear that my brain is the way it is partly due to you. Not that I'm complaining ^__^ You're like a brother to me, and I always wanted an older brother. When I'm with you I feel safe and I can't help but be happy. I know things will work out for you, even if they do take time.

6. Look how far we've both come since being 11! I swear we are the worst examples ever, but I wouldn't change it for the world! I love you to death! Now the only thing we need to do is see each other more often. I treasure every memory and moment we shared, especially those in your basement.

7. You're so crazy and I love it! You're happy personality is so awesome and I always smile when I see you smile. I may not know you very well but I hope to get to know you a lot better. Keep smiling, hun. You're so cute when you smile. And don't give up!

8. What to say about you that I haven't already said.... I doubt you'll even see this, but I'm going to say it anyways. You have been so much help to me over the last year or so that we've been talking. I bet that without you, I'd be six feet under by now. Thank you for sharing a brain with me!

9. I remember when we were still too shy to talk to each other at the bus stop. We were so cute back then. Now we're just hawt in leather! I really hope that everything is going great for you way out there where I can't see you! *tear*

10. I can't believe that we've made it this far together. I may not see you much anymore, but I do think about you from time to time. Those days of middle school will be permanently etched into my brain and I laugh everytime I hear about white blood cells. I'm so happy for you right now, you have a nice girl by your side. The two of you need to come visit me!

11. Remember when we first met? I still do. We were both so geeky back then, and look at us now. Sexy as hell. I remember the first time we sat under the stairs and just talked. I love you, and we don't spend nearly enough time together. I hope you're doing ok, because I would hate to see anything happen to you.

12. You're another one I don't know as well as I should yet, but I appreciate the smiles you give me all the time. I adore you're energy and personality and I think we need to find a way to bottle it and make millions from it.

13. I know we rant at each other a lot, and one of us is usually in some sort of rotten mood or something, but I enjoy it. You've always been there to listen to me complain about this and that, and visa versa, and you know what? I wouldn't change it for all the beer in the world. Mind you I don't drink beer, but hey...

14. I love you to death! I miss you so much that I think I might just have to call you when I get to town. You have so much courage and I admire it. To go through the things that I'm sure you go through all the time, and survive it. You are so loving to everyone around you and everyone loves you for it, and rightfully so. You're super sexy, how could they not?

15. You are the bravest person I know. I can't even begin to imagine how hard things have been for you over the past few months, and for you to hang in there and to be so strong, I admire every second. Ever since I met you all those years ago, I have thought of you as part of my family. Then to be able to work with you in high school was truely awesome, even if we did goof off most of the time. Your spirit is just so addictive and uplifting that anyone who didn't love you is crazy. Stay strong for us all, I know I'll stand by you, even if only in spirit while I'm doing exams...

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