Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Who are you?

Well, this is me procrastinating studying for my midterm. I just went through the study disk and I seemed to do all right. Hopefully I can do just as well on the test. I've gotta read some articles or something before I go to bed, which is gonna suck, but it's gotta be done.

So in light of wasting time... here's my ten truths!

1. I miss hanging out with you a lot. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the back burner and it sucks, but I know that things are crazy. A piece of me just wants some of the same attention that everyone else gets. ~ Kaitlyn

2. I'm worried that you don't take enough time to take care of yourself. If you keep things up the way you are going, you will crash harder then I did and make yourself sick. I appreciate everything that you are doing, but take some time to think about you. I'll be here no matter what. ~Andy

3. I know you won't see this so I feel safe to be truthful about how much I miss you. Surprised me for sure. It amazed me how close of friends we got to be after everything we went through in high school. I can only hope that things start getting better for you. I can't wait to see you when I go home. ~Sean

4. What is your drive? What are you motivated to do? I don't know that your energy is spent in the right places a lot of the time. Find your focus and work towards it, things will work out in your favor if you fight for it.

5. Good things do happen to you. You need to take a moment to reflect on that. I love you and I'm here for you. I just want to see you smile more because you are totally gorgeous when you do.

6. Sometimes I can't tell if you really are being nice to me, or if it's just because I'm there. You always seem to greet me with a smile, is it genuine? I'd be really happy to know that you are being nice to me because you want to.

7. I swear you give great hugs. I don't agree with some of your opinions, and I hope that won't make me less likable. Spending time with you is always a lot of fun and I hope get to do more of it. ~Ky

8. Despite what some people will say, you are a great friend to me. You can always seem to make me smile when I am in the worst of moods. Ya, sometimes you've got strong opinions that people may not like or agree with, which includes me sometimes, but everyone does. Like the above person, I hope that won't make us any less of friends.

9. I wish I knew you so much better. I hardly ever see you and when I do, you're usually doing something or talking to someone. One of these days I will actually sit down and talk to you and get to know you better. You are (in my opinion) one of the most adorable people around.

10. Geezus, how long have we been friends eh? I miss spending time with you so much! Looking at how well you're doing with your life has made me want to do better with mine, and I admit that I'm extremely jealous of you because of it. You are going to be so much better at this than I am. Who would have thought all those years ago when people would mistake us for sisters, or even confuse us with each other, that we would end up being practically the same person anyways. I know we don't talk much, but I've always had a place in my mind for you that will never ever go away. Dammit, now I'm all teary..... I hope I never lose contact with you. ~Cindy

This picture is for everyone!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Also as a side note, I have a new video up in the video blog. Warm fuzzy moment. All fans of Zach Braff should watch it.... right now....GO!


Bean said...

Awws, that's a tres cute picture Steph =) Am I on your list?

The Voodoo Doll said...

Not this time Jilly. I love you tons though!

Cindy said...

awwww now i'm all teary!! haha i totally know what one i am :D duh!

The Voodoo Doll said...

Are you sure? Hahaha ok ya you're right.

Cindy said...

PS. Nice Zack Braff clip :) i didnt even know he was in Garden State! wow! i will have to watch that now, haha. the only weird thing was after they started kissing the other dude just kinda watched them for a while, haha.

Ky said...

am i on this list? maybe perhaps...i have one guess if i am

The Voodoo Doll said...

yup you are Ky

Manda said...

aww i like your pic! i dont know if im on there....

The Voodoo Doll said...

Thanks Manna! And no, you're not on there. In fact I think I'll call you right now

Akiyhrah said...

Am I on there?

Ky said...

i think i am number seven

The Voodoo Doll said...

Yes you are, Kitty ^.^

And yes Ky, you are #7

Nik Nak said...

did i make it on your list?

The Voodoo Doll said...

yes you did nikki