Sunday, June 24, 2007

Where did the time go?

So, I apologize for my lack of updating lately. Things have been busy for me and I've got very little to talk about really since I moved back here. So I've been collecting things to report.

1) I love working at Reitman's. I've only had two shifts so far, but I love it. I could have spent all day in there today, but they told me to go home. Not like that, but we were running late as it was because the store was a mess when we got there. I think, if I allow myself to spend more than I should on clothing at half price, I will return to Nanaimo with a bit more style than I had last year. Woo! That and they do store transfers so I may end up at the one down there too.

2) I have a ribcage inflammation. I don't know how it got there or what it's doing to me, but I do know that it hurts sometimes and the pills are making it feel better. They're the weirdest things though, I've never had any like them. They're an anti-inflammatory and the side-effects make me dizzy and then drowsy, but I have to stay vertical for half an hour. Basically I need to be supervised after I take them so I don't fall on my face. I have something to prevent that in a way...

3) My brother bought Guitar Hero 2. I'm addicted to it. And it keeps me vertical, if I play it standing up, which is way more fun. I beat all of the easy and medium level, and now I'm working on getting 5 stars on all of the songs before I move on to hard. I just barely managed to play Freebird at the end of medium and survive it through on my first try, so I think I'll practice before moving on yet.

4) .... ok there is no 4 really.

I went to Installation yesterday (pretty sure only Cindy and Kitty know what I'm talking about which is fine with me) and it kind of made me a bit depressed. I mean, the ceremony was nice and all, and everything went great, but there were two things that really bugged me. First of all, there were less girls being installed than there were installing team! Once I realized that, I couldn't figure out why they needed me there, because my part was pretty unnecessary because anyone on the installing team could have brought the flag in, or the bible for that matter. You don't need three people to bring in the bible when you have like, seven girls going through the ceremony.

Second was a different kind of sadness. I don't know if anyone who reads my blog, aside from Cindy, knew Edgar Orel but he was probably one of the best people to have ever existed. Considering that most of you don't even know what I was just talking about, this probably won't mean much to you. I knew him for years before I even joined, because he was a fire fighter with my dad. Our families knew each other for years and his daughters and his nieces and I all grew up together and joined this group. He wasn't an adult to any of the girls, unless we were doing something wrong, but really he was just a big kid. He was so much fun and there was pretty much nothing he wouldn't do for us girls. I was in the leadership role of the group when he died, despite what Madison claimed during Installation, and it was hard. Things were never the same without him and they never will be. When Veronica got up to do the award dedicated in his name, I don't know why it got to me so much this time. I couldn't help crying, like a few others in the room, as one of the moms told about the time her shaved his head for us in front of a large amount of people. He had been our motivation that year, and it had worked.

I'm crying again while I write this. It's hard for me to think of him now and not get upset in some way. Over the years I have wondered how things would have been if he had lived, and I always end up crying at least on the inside depending on where I am at the time. I'm glad that I got to know him, because he was an amazing person.

I know most of that post had little to do with anything aside from personal ranting, but I'm glad that I put it out there. Keep your eye on the video blog too. I'm going to be posting videos to relate to people. You might be on it!

Love to all!


Akiyhrah said...

Madison is a dumbass.

*hug* I wish I could have gone to this one. I love going to your jobie things, it makes me feel like an honorary member of a secret cult or somthing.. hahaha

Richard said...

That post was mighty,
And guitar hero is devouring all things human.


Bean said...

Steph, I heart and miss you muchly <3 Glad to hear Reitman's is giving you shifts, yay for cheap clothes!!

The Voodoo Doll said...

Haha thanks Kitty. I actually felt out of place this years because I only know like three of them now. And you were, when I was HQ anyways.

Rick, aye it was a mighty post. It took me a while to get it out of me. And yes, it has claimed me as well and I have to say I enjoy it.

Jilly, I heart and miss you in return! Hopefully I can transfer to the Nanaimo one and we can be fashionable for a low price together, because my discount applies to gifts too!

Anonymous said...



it's nice that you updated

(guitar hero looks awesome.. i wish i had a system that played it)

Queen of Hearts said...

i know what your talking about! *special*

if kaitlyn and i get out appartmetn you and jill have to move into it to!


The Voodoo Doll said...

Guitar Hero is awesome, but what Rick said is true. It is devouring all things human.... I think it's worth it haha

Did Kaitlyn tell you about it, or do you know? -eyes Lisa suspiciously- hahah
All four of us living in the same place? That could end up deliciously dangerous!

Queen of Hearts said...

my cousin was a jobs daughter, i went and did a bunch of stuff when them back in the day

Anonymous said...

Don't know if you remember me, or rather you can't remember he who lacks a name in a sense, but I'd like to thank you. My only request is to reacall what I assume was October 31 last year when you posted "Neither of you should give up! I've been back tracking through everyone's blogs and the two of you need to hang in there." on Amber's page. I don't know if that helped me, but my problem has since been resolved. I'd like to thank you for your support, whether or not it helped.