Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Slow and meticulous process....

I swear that this is the most boring class in the world, purely for the fact that I have the teacher that I do. If I had a different teacher I'm sure that I would be paying attention instead of blogging, or talking on MSN, or surfing the net.

Something seems out of place to day I think. Something in the air is heavier than normal and things are feeling a little surreal. Kind of like that quiet moment in a movie before something bad happens. I can't quite place what it is though. It seems too... still... to be normal though.

I'm so sick of school. As soon as I'm done my BA I am seriously taking a year off because if I keep this up for much longer I'm going to freak out. I want to work. I loved the summer time this year when I was working almost everyday because I felt like I was doing something productive and usefull and meaningful. Not that school isn't those things, it's more that I don't feel like I'm getting anything out of it, which is totally the opposite of why I'm here. Isn't it?

I think it's almost time that I had a trip home. I want to see my family again, and Andy, and Sean, and Dave, and Aaron and Mel. Now that I have a job I don't think that I will be able to spend as much time down there for Thanksgiving as I had hoped, which really sucks, but I guess that's what happens.

Something happy needs to happen and soon.

I had fun hanging out with Mel and Geoff last night. I think Mel and I are going to have more than a few crazy times together. I really enjoyed spending time with her. One day we actually will explode a marshmellow in the microwave and it will seem like a good idea at the time, until we have to clean it up again.

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